
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

First project in Photoshop

   I made this in Photoshop by following a tutorial. The tutorial taught me how to resize things properly, make things slightly transparent, and remove the white background from images. Photoshop is pretty different from Illustrator, Illustrator uses vectors but Photoshop is just pixels. That means you have to be more careful in Photoshop with your image scaling, if you scaled up a small picture to be bigger, it would be all pixelated, but in Illustrator, it would make more pixels. Both programs are useful in their own ways, you just have to know when to use them.

   I made this butterfly in Photoshop using the clone stamp tool. I didn't understand how it worked at first, but after it was explained to me it makes sense, it seems like a useful tool. I don't think they have this tool in Illustrator, so that's a difference between the two.
    I learned how to use the gradient tool, the text mask tool, and how to add strokes to the outline of a picture. Using all of those, I made this banner with a picture of the front of the school behind the letters, I also increased the saturation on the photo because I thought it looked nice.

For my last Photoshop project, I used most of what I learned to make this. I copied the raven's head from the mural in the gym, pasted it on the picture of the school, lowered the opacity and added a soft light blend. Then I took pictures from around the school and applied layer masks to them to make them fade out around the edges and slightly transparent as well. This project used most of what I had learned about Photoshop and I think it turned out well.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


    I made this using the Pathfinder tool today. Three rings that are intertwined together, and their RGB colors to represent how computer screens display images. Pathfinder is a really useful tool and a lot of graphic design aspects would be impossible without it.

My Logo

    I made my own personal logo in e9. It has my initials cut out of a blue circle which represents adaptability and intelligence. The letters have a circular shape to them as well, I didn't use a font, I made them my own. I'm pretty proud of this, I think it looks really nice.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Font Diagramming

    So I took a test to find out what type of font I am, and it gave me this font called "Universal". So I diagrammed the font in Illustrator. I think the font looks really cool, what do you think?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Google's New Logo: Good or Bad?

     Google launched their new logo a few days ago, and people have mixed feelings about it. Many people says it makes it look more childish, and that the old one was better. I personally think it was a good improvement, a company as big as this isn't going to make that drastic of a change for no reason. When Google's main service to offer was providing information, the old one worked well. Now that Google is more than just a search engine, but an internet provider, an OS, a web browser, and even a car manufacturer, it's a good change.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Creative Color Wheel

    I made this color wheel in Illustrator, it follows the CMYK colors and I think it turned out well. I used 12 sided polygons for all of the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. I didn't notice at first, but the triangles I added on the inside create another 12-sided polygon in the center, which I think looks nice. Since those shapes repeat, I decided to add the shape formed in the gaps of the triangles and polygons on the outside. Then I added a gradient to the entire inside, from black in the middle to lighter on the outside.