
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Marks and Symbols

In the world of graphic design, marks are used frequently. There are different classifications of marks, and we learned how to distinguish between them today. The first type of mark is the symbol. Symbols are marks without type that identify a group and can be legally protected. These make a quick impact, however they have to be explained due to the lack of type explaining the mark. Pictographs are public symbols able to be used by all. These are often associated with public safety. Lettermarks are letters used to identify a company that aren't pronounceable. These are often shortened versions of a longer name. Logos are words that represent a company but are pronounceable. Combination marks are a combination of a symbol and logo, also called signature. Finally,we have trademarks. All of the previously mentioned marks qualify to be trademarks. Trademarks are the legal name for unique mark. These can be registered and protected by the law.

The difference between a symbol and a logo is that a logo uses type to represent a company, and a symbol represents the company without any type. When the two of these are used together, a combination mark is created.

I learned that there is a difference between a logo and symbols. I had never paid any attention to the distinguishing factors between these. I also had never realized that lettermarks were separate from logos as well. In addition, pictographs were new to me. I didn't know that there were separate names for symbols not protected by the law.

My favorite thing I learned would just be learning the classifications in general. I feel like this would be useful when working with clients and designing the right type of mark for them.