
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Learning Photoshop


I've worked with Photoshop in the past, but with these tutorials, I feel like I have a better understanding of how to use it more efficiently. With these tutorials, I got familiar with:
  • The Quick Selection Tool
  • Using Refine Edge to get a more accurate selection
  • Using the Patch Tool
  • The Clone Stamp Tool
  • Masking parts of an image
Here are a few of my practice photos

Removing the logo from a surfboard

This is one of the first photos I worked on. Before, there was a logo on the surfboard, but using the content aware tool, I was able to get rid of it all together.

Removing blotches from the background of a photo
In this photo, there were originally signs of wear on the wall behind the subject. Using the patch tool, I got rid of the peeling paint, and the wall looks much better than it did before.

Removing distracting elements from an image

In this image, there used to be a large pole in the background directly behind the fathers head. It was distracting from the subjects of the picture, so using the clone-stamp tool, I got rid of it.

Cleaning up dirty faces

For this image, I had to clean up the kids face. Before editing, he had a lot of dirt all over his face. To fix this, I used an image mask to get rid of the dirty spots.

The Girl with the Black Hat

For this image, I had to use everything I had learned up to that point, along with a few new techniques, like the content aware scale.

Sol Infusion

For this one, my task was to create an advertisement for a brand of lotion. I learned how to deal with linked smart objects in order to make things quicker to edit and replace in the future. 

The Landscape Man

This was the final project I had to create using the tutorials. I was on my own for this one, there wasn't a tutorial for this one. I had to use my existing knowledge and let my creativity take the wheel. I made sure that I had used all the tools I learned to create this.

I started out with just a picture of a normal looking man, along with some pictures of landscapes. I decided to put a couple of these together in order to make the setting. I placed the man behind the ocean to make him look both large and far away. I changed his clothes and hair to be made out of materials found in nature. I then added a couple of islands in the background to give closure to the picture. I'm proud of the result, and I look forward to working with Photoshop in the future.

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