
Thursday, October 29, 2015

My Personality Type

What's my personality type?

    I took a personality quiz to find out what type I am. I'm an ENTJ, which means that I am an extravert. In the other three areas, i'm intuitive, a thinker, and judging, but all of these are extremely close to being sensing feeling and perceiving. Only a small percent of people are ENTJ's, a few famous people that are ENTJ's are David Letterman and Cobie Smulders.
    I think this quiz was pretty accurate, it placed me right in between a few of the categories, I can see myself being on either sides with those.
    Apparently ENTJ's assume leadership roles, which is something I do. I'm quick to see illogical and inefficient procedures and policies. I've never really been misunderstood or anything like that because I can be on both sides.
    I've learned more about my personality, the quiz is pretty accurate and the results make sense.


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