
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

End of Year Reflection: Graphic Design

What did I takeaway?


Technology is one of my biggest strengths in eComm. I know the programs that we work with very well and I'm always learning new things. My skills with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator have definitely improved since the beginning of the year. At the beginning of the year, we worked on simpler projects, like the Postcard, but now I'm able to complete big projects like the Branding project. With technology, I learn best with experience, the more I work with a program, the more comfortable I am with it.


When collaborating in graphic design, we give each other critiques on our work. I'm very proud of my Infographic, I think it turned out really well, and this is in part to the feedback I received. It's always good to have someone else's input as they might see something that I don't. I try to help out the creators as much as I can, because I know that they also appreciate feedback. Critique's are very important when designing something.


Communication in eComm is another important factor. Communication is essential to being a successful employee. I try to enhance my communication skills by asking someone for advice when I'm stuck on something, whether it's design advice, or technology issues. For example, with the Branding project, I struggled with coming up with symbols that fit my brand well. But after talking to a few different people, I was able to get the ball rolling again. Effective communication boosts productivity by a lot.

Project Management

My project management skills have grown a lot. At the beginning of the year, I was kind of behind on projects like the Vectored Face project. As time went on, I was getting my stuff done sooner. I was able to complete the Branding project a day before it was officially due, in contrast to the Vector Face which was a few days late. This is in part to my increased technological skills, and also my improved creativity. Project management is extremely important, if you don't get stuff done on time, you're hurting yourself. If employees are behind on projects, they're going to upset clients and it will hurt their reputation.


I use my leadership skills in graphic design to help my peers out with projects. For example, at the beginning of the year when everyone else was still learning Illustrator and Photoshop, I already had some experience and was able to spend more of my time helping others out with things they didn't understand. I hope I could help people a lot, because I know if I was struggling with something, I'd be more than willing to accept help in order to have a better project. Leadership is important because it helps everyone grow.


My biggest strength in eComm is my technology usage by far. I have really developed my skills when working with the all the programs. I've definitely improved on this throughout the year as well, this is due to the amount of time I've spent working with them. However, there's always more to learn, like new features I've never used before. These programs have a lot to offer in them, so it can be challenging to learn every aspect about them.

A weakness for me would probably be my communication skills. Although I feel like they have improved, I feel like I need to reach out more. I can do this by pushing myself to do it more next year.

Applying What I've Learned

I think the skills I've learned will prove to be very valuable. I use my graphic design skills all the time in other aspects of my life, for example, I'm able to make presentations that look very nice in my AP European History class. With good design skills, I'm able to present information in a more effective manner than I would have if I just through the text on the screen. Now I know how to pick good colors, fonts that serve my purpose well, along with other things.


I don't think there's anything I would really change. eComm provides a great environment to grow one's skills. I really like how open-ended it is, and how it doesn't hold back people that are more advanced or leave behind anyone who doesn't quite get it. Everyone improves their skills all the time, and I really like that about eComm.

In Summary

In summary, eComm is a great learning experience. I'm glad that I have this opportunity, as my skills have grown immensely, and I feel like it has better prepared me for my future. The skills I learn in eComm prove to be very useful in other aspects of life, and I find myself applying them all the time. I love seeing the products that I have learned to produce, and how they've kept improving ever since I joined eComm.

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